All Momma's need a date night!   0 Comments

Move over restaurant!


Thanks to Bruce Cadle’s book “Party for Two” date night has a new meaning!! Wow I know so many couples that have given up “date night” do to lack of funding! Now you do not have to! Send the kids to grandmas (or swap with a friend) and cook at home! Party for Two – has great meals you both will love!! This book can even make it where you can start having “date night” weekly instead of monthly!!

There is great stories that will keep the conversation going on something besides the kids school work and bills to be paid!

Party For Two is and Amazon best seller!! For a good reason! every kitchen should have THIS cookbook!!

You will find a recipe never seen in a cookbook before. Party For Two contains the recipe to a great marriage. In Party For Two you will embark on a journey with Bruce and Valerie Cadle and discover how to establish your own weekly Date Night. The Cadles have enjoyed Date Nights throughout their thirty-five year marriage and it is still their favorite night of the week.

Date Night is a time for you and your spouse to give special, focused, romantic attention to each other.

Party For Two will teach you how to have a Fun, Fancy, but Easy weekly Date Night even if:

  • Your schedule is hectic.
  • You don’t have money.
  • You can’t cook.
  • You have children at home.
  • You don’t have a baby sitter.

You will discover that a weekly Date Night can:

  • Deepen your communication.
  • Unite your hearts.
  • Increase your passion for each other.
  • Improve your love life.
  • Keep your marriage strong and healthy.

Let Party For Two teach you how to make your Date Night  a great night!

Bruce Cadle, AKA The Date Night Chef, is an author and speaker. Bruce and his wife Valerie present a live seminar,Recipe For a Great Marriage. The seminar teaches couples how to establish a consistent Date Night, affair proof their marriage, and keep their romance strong. The seminar draws on the Cadle’s experiences from their 35 year marriage.

I love this!! In my book The Momma Guide I instill in mommas how important date night is to keep a happy family!! I highly recommend this book!!

Review by Traci Davis – The Go To Momma  – If you have a book or product to review contact me below also read my other reviews of great products!



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