Super Momma!!   Leave a comment

Are you trying to be supermomma but end up feeling overwhelmed, stressed, tired, and unappreciated. Then it may be a good time to rethink things.  Momma’s are the world’s best jugglers: family, work, money—they seem to do it all. Us Mommas need to remember we do not have super hero powers and we do need a break from time to time.

Traci Davis and Daughters Laurel & Taylor
Traci Davis and Daughters Laurel & Taylor

Momma responsibilities and tasks at home can often be done or shared by other members in the family. This is also a great way to teach the kids lessons on house work and maybe even about allowances.

Get the family involved by making a “To do” list for everyone in your family. If you have young children or babies, who are not able to help at this time, ask your husband to pitch in. Single moms, can join other single moms to set up a buddy system to help out with tasks like helping each other with grocery shopping or watching each others children. Trading on and off really helps. Even knowing you have someone you can go talk to and let your kids play together can really help.

Take time for yourself. Mommas often put their family needs first and neglect their own. Ask a friend or family member (even hire someone) to help  with the children. Pampering yourself, even just a small pampering like taking a long relaxing bath, listening to your favorite music, taking a long nature walk, reading a book, getting a massage and pedicure or having a girls night out with your friends. An hour at the gym can even help relieve stress and make your bottom line look better. Take a drive by yourself down a road you have never driven. A few minutes a day or even a few each week can make your time with your husband and kids so much more enjoyable.

Your house does not have to be perfectly clean, so do not beat yourself up if it is not. If you are unable to attend every school/sporting activity and event. Realizing that being a wonderful mom isn’t about being perfect, it’s about showing your child love and teaching them what they need to know to become responsible adults, will make life so much better.

Prioritizing what is important and getting those things done will be easier by keeping to an organized schedule. If you miss something, don’t let it worry you. You will get it done, and if you do not let it go. Enjoy life and especially the small stuff. Cherish your time you have to yourself and with your family!

Written by Traci Davis :co-author of “The Momma Guide”   – selfhelp book for all parents



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