Today's Deal: No Bull About It! 30-Minute Photo Session With the TNT Longhorns, Just $39!   0 Comments

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When you think of the Texas Longhorn, you may recall with a grimace your last bull riding experience, which had an unfortunate ending in front of all your friends atthe bar. You may think of the Longhorns at theUniversity of Texas, or you may think of their rival school down the road. But from here on out, when you think ofthe Texas Longhorn, you can look back at an amazing experience with the TNT Longhorns in Weatherford. Seize the Deal today and you’ll get a 30-minute photo session with the famous TNT Longhorns for just $39. You’ll save a bundle with this $300 value! Bingo and Tater Tot have been showcased nation wide in commercials and love to show off their horns for the camera. Grab your camera and a group of five, and head down to Weatherford to meet the Longhorns. You’ll love the scenery at TNT Ranch, and you won’t be able to stop talking about your awesome experience with the steers. Seize the Deal today and take your new family photo Texas-style with the TNT Longhorns!


Buy as many deals as you want and have multiple sessions with the steers ~Two gentle Longhorn riding steers ~Bring your own camera and take home the photos! Get a Facebook photo all your friends will “like” Makes great greeting cards or a perfect photo memory of your trip through Texas~~

Come to TnT Ranch and get to know Bingo and Tater Tot as well as owners Tom and Traci Davis.

RULES~~No purchase limit Camera not provided Limit five people per session~Up to 30-minute session with the Longhorns ~No cash value; no cash/credit back~Must use entire voucher in same visit ~Not valid with any other offers Voucher expires Oct. 12, 2011


Get the deal today!!


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