Cutest black and white pony   0 Comments

Cute and sweet

This is Nikon he is a 13 year old 12 hand black and white pony. He is very sweet, he meets you at the gate, loves attention. He has been a grandkid pony for several years. Being rode here and there and he does great with time off, he is the same pony each time. He is so gentle the kids can jump on him in the pasture with nothing on him, he stops when you say whoa. No spook, no silliness, hauls great, fun pony. This is the pony everyone wants. UTD on all $3800 Weatherford, TX call or text 254-433-0806  we have several videos below, if they do not play please click this youtube playlist. We offer shipping let us know if you need a quote. We have several ponies and horses available at all times. Please follow us on all our Social media outlets, MeWe, Open Range, HorseClicks, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and more. Remember our personal website is the most UTD of all.   


Posted January 19, 2020 by Traci Davis in Uncategorized


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