Blue roan filly   0 Comments

AQHA prospect

This is Jean AKA “Jeans Rowdy Coupe” she is a 3 yr old 14 hand AQHA blue roan filly. She is very sweet easy to catch, rides well but does need more miles, she has a great start and beginning to neck rein, moves off legs, goes down trail, tracks the cattle and sled. Ready to go on with. Not for a beginner due to age. She just had her teeth floated, UTD on worming, Coggins and farrier work.  $5800 Weatherford, TX call or text (text is preferred) 254-433-0806 videos are below if they will not play please click this YouTube playlist (Usually more videos on the link than below) We offer shipping let us know if you need a quote. Most people we sell to buy sight unseen off our videos alone – so enjoy watching them and getting to know the horse or pony. We can usually ship your new horse/pony to you fairly quick. We have several ponies and horses available at all times. Please follow us on all our Social media outlets, MeWe, Open Range, HorseClicks, Facebook(TnT Ranch & Tom Davis Horsemanship), Instagram (@tntranchsales), Twitter and more. Remember our personal website is the most UTD of all. 


Posted April 20, 2021 by Traci Davis in Uncategorized


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