Start your own mobile Spa   0 Comments

Would you like more Money? But are sick of promises with no results? We have a deal for you! Contact us about health spa business opp in your area. Reasonable start up cost and help with advertising!

 GREAT Business Opp! This is a great way to go into business for yourself but get help from someone who has been running a business just like it!

This is a mobile spa business – you can run this out of your home, car or local spa. Mobile spas have been picking up in popularity because of the convenience they give to customers. Realizing this, you may have thought of starting a mobile spa but you don’t know what you need.

 Tan Yer Hide & Tone it Too! offering business opp for women looking for part time or full time business – No store front needed!!


This business will fit in your trunk of your car!

With your own multi-location, full service day spa that travels to local offices, hotel or home parties! This  offers an excellent business opportunity for a savvy entrepreneur.


This business will fit in your trunk of your car!

With your own multi-location, full service day spa that travels to local offices, hotel or home parties! This  offers an excellent business opportunity for a savvy entrepreneur.

You can have a business that will fit in your trunk – I have a business just like this in a small town (under 5000 people) and I make between $1800 and $3500 a month.

The business consist of Foot detox – body wraps and spray tanning. (more to come to keep the clients coming back for more)

You will do home parties or do office stops where you can do employees to help give them more energy to get thru their days!  (a little home and office maintenance is a good thing!)

You will get 2 foot detox machines you will be able to do 4 people at a time – Spray Tan Machine – and solution to do the tans – and enough body wraps to do 5 people (these are washable and reusable) also the wrap solution.

You will also get a training manual – a spot on my website about your business and weekly emails to give you tips and answers to help you with the business – also I am here to answer questions that might arise while in the field.



This is the best time to start a CASH business – there are some days I leave a party with over $500 in my pocket for just a few hours of work and it is easy. I have been having great success in a small town so if you are in a bigger area think of the possibilities – this business is expandable as well.



You will also get a few sample retail products to sell, for added income.  More can be purchased as well.

You will get a link on my website to help with advertising and also have great free advertising deals.

Please allow 2 to 3 weeks to get the items. – during that time I will help start the advertising end of it.






Just because you hear all the bad news about the economy, it does not mean that all businesses are failing. Some are, but many are doing just great. As a matter of fact, certain businesses actually thrive when the economy is bad and there are things about a bad economy that can make an enterprising entrepreneur a lot of money.

Starting a business during bad economic times may be a good idea for you. It depends on what type of business you have in mind, whether or not it makes sense in this type of economy, and how much time and money you are willing to invest. People are willing to deal on advertising, products, time and more in a bad economy – so if you can hang it out then it can be the best time. Many of the most successful business today were started in bad economies. Don’t let the economy stop you from living a dream of being a successful business owner! You will be going into business for yourself but not by yourself – I have worked out the ruff edges of this and am willing to help you shine!  


All human beings hope to maintain their health and youthful appearance. This gives confirmation to the success of the spa industry, which works hard  helping clients access and obtain this goal. The idea of having a home day spa is pretty unique in itself, because hardly anyone has one. Of course, who wouldn’t want the convenience and comfort of an appealing private retreat in your home or office setting. With this type of attainable luxury you might stand the chance of reducing stress on a regular basis, and your home day spa will serve as a reminder to consistently move you towards accomplishing that goal. For this, we give you an extraordinary and unique business opportunity.  “especially with mobile spa services now being offered, people clearly need this kind of personal service at home.”


This business will fit in your trunk of your car!

With your own multi-location, full service day spa that travels to local offices, hotel or home parties! This  offers an excellent business opportunity for a savvy entrepreneur.


Posted November 23, 2009 by Traci Davis in Uncategorized


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