Down and Dirty Mud Run with Team TKD   0 Comments

Fun in the Mud!

Wow we love the mud runs. You can play in the dirt like you did when you were a kid and it is ok! Yes people still look at you like you might be crazy but that is ok! It is fun!! Well our team had a blast at this years Down new life style diet. lifestyle[x]team tkd[x]prater designs[x] View photos from you or from everyone circle mc[x]run[x]mud run[x]down and dirty[x]sports[x]traci davisand Dirty mud run in Dallas, TX June, 3rd 2012.

Of course we started out squeaky clean and ended up down right dirty!  Our team consisted of Traci Davis, Shannon Sweatt, Tammy Crippen, Rebekah Davault, Billie Phillips and Billie’s husband Josh came along to run (it was their Anniversary)! team tkd, prater designs, circle mc, run, mud run, down and dirty, sports, traci davis,

The obstacles were great we had tall walls to climb, inflatables, rock wall, rope on slick wall and of course the mud pit!

The team sported Red t-shirts to start with then they were brown!! But a little soaking a couple days they are clean again! We for sure want to thank New LifeStyle Diets for helping us out along our race and run road!! We LOVE their great shakes and bars!! Try them out! Also Prater Designs – Trish did a wonderful job on our shirts for this race and all the other races – click her site for sure! Circle MC Fabrication and Metal is you are looking for quality work they are the ones for sure!!

team tkd, prater designs, circle mc, run, mud run, down and dirty, sports, traci davis, Please be sure to support our sponsors and look for them on facebook too! Until the next race!

Side Note Josh (Billies Hubby) ran under the military divisions and was in the top 30 of all the men and men for the armed services – that fight for our country daily to give us the freedom to do events like this!! Hats off to all of them!! Thanks for your service!!


team tkd, prater designs, circle mc, run, mud run, down and dirty, sports, traci davis,


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