Laser hair removal rocks!   0 Comments

Want to toss the razor in the garbage?

Wow – that sounds good to me! There is a plus to having dark hair! You can have it removed with a laser! Ya that is right blondes it does not work as well on you. So do blondes really have more fun?

Well if they are stuck shaving then no they don’t LOL! I am loving the fact that with each session I am reducing the hair that will be growing back on my legs! WooHoo!

Laser hair removal can be done men or women and on most all areas of the body. It has come a long ways over the years the laser hair removal at Z-Spa in Fort Worth is pain free zspa, z-spa, zerona, weight loss, lose, inches, laser, cold, diet, weatherford, fort worth,, tomtra, hair removal, spa, treatment and feels more like a massage then hair removal. I have had it done years ago on a few areas and wow when I did those it was painful and left marks — today’s procedures are not like that at all. They are painless and easy and does NOT small bad as well.

With this method the hair follicle is actually destroyed with the laser. This way, once the hair is gone it will not grow back, saving you the time and hassle of having to continuously remove the hair when it grows back in.

If you are in the Fort Worth, Dallas, Metroplex or Weatherford area be sure to visit Z-Spa for this and more great spa treatments. You will be glad you did!


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