What is a horse?   0 Comments

Do you want the dictionary term or the from the heart definition

A horse can be your friend you best hand on the job. The way you make a living either by horse, horse, show, halter, fair, world, deal, gelding, dun, buckskin, kid clu, impressive, AQHA,  bay, working cow horse, SHOT, Ranch Rodeo, rope, sorting, colttrainer. tnt ranch, cowboy4salehaving a ranch job and riding all day or by training and conduction lessons and/or clinics.

The dictionary calls a horse a large hoofed mammal (Equus caballus) having a short-haired coat, a long mane, and a long tail, domesticated since ancient times and used for riding and for drawing or carrying loads.

Either way you look at them most have a large heart and love to please and want to do their best for you. Depending on how you go at them in training will determine how much you get from them and how long.

A horse is a mode of transportation, can be a lawn mower or a hay burner. They are not cheap to own and do take time. If you are blessed to own a horse of your own or are looking to buy one, you know the love you can feel for them is deep and addicting.

The male horse is called a stallion and the female is called a mare. A young horse is called a foal. If you are looking for horse help or looking for a new horse let us know we can help.

www.Cowboy4Sale.com or www.ColtTrainer.com Tom and Traci Davis TnT Ranch and Tom Davis Horsemanship

horse, horse, show, halter, fair, world, deal, gelding, dun, buckskin, kid clu, impressive, AQHA,  bay, working cow horse, SHOT, Ranch Rodeo, rope, sorting, colttrainer. tnt ranch, cowboy4sale


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