Who is Traci Davis?   2 Comments

Traci Davis

The most successful people have the best stories. Do you think you would know who Sea Biscuit was if he did not have a Story? No! Well, my story has just started and isn’t over yet!

In my short 39 years on this earth, I have had some great success and some great failures. But with all I have learned from it and continue to learn every day. God challenges me every day to become a better person. I am a fighter, I hold tough and do not quit! I have gone through many hard times in my life and I keep going.

I grew up in a small farming and ranching town in Eastern Washington, where I had to find my own fun the good old fashion way: riding horses with friends and making up games as we went along. A one-time rodeo queen and a born entrepreneur, I owned TLC Cleaning for over ten years and then owned the highly successful Tan Yer Hide and Tone It Too! I now do marketing for my fitness team and husband’s horse training business and broker horses for others that do not have time to market on their own! I do believe helping others is my calling!  I am blessed to live in Texas with my husband Tom and two beautiful daughters.

Widowed when my oldest daughter was only two, then tragedy struck again a year later as my life was turning around I once again found myself alone, laying my fiancé to rest. Both men were killed in tragic car accidents. Having been a single mother I do understand that point of motherhood. I am married now but that can also come with challenges. Learning/maturity does not always come with age, but with experience. I have many years of hard core experience!

Now being the “Go to Momma” – Friends and family are always asking for my opinion on so many things from where to get something, advise and more.  I usually know the answer or know where to go and find it!! I tell people all the time, I do whatever it takes to not have to work, but I am very busy and I love all of it. That is why I decided to write “The Momma Guide” with my dear friend Vicki Holleman Perez. The Momma Guide covers most mothers’ questions about raising children. Designed as a reference the book focuses in on what moms should do in virtually any situation. We designed The Momma Guide as a desk reference for moms of any kinds. It assists moms with children’s health problems, depression, divorce, death, and various situations that come along with raising children.

Also an activist for moms being more than just moms, by taking care and time for themselves. Being a mom myself, I found myself wrapped up with all the activities being a mother and wife entail and that I found a stranger when I looked into the mirror one day. Luckily, I was able to get a hold of that and make some very positive changes in my life. With dealing with my weight ups and downs most of my life, I was able to get it under control with making life changes with my eating habits and regular exercise.  So far I have lost over 80 lbs and cannot even imagine leaving this amazing lifestyle my new image has brought. I now compete in 5K, 10K and Marathon runs as well as biking adventures and mud and adventure runs. I have feel like I have my youth back and even better! In addition to a business owner and author, I am now a fitness coach and have enjoyed helping others get back on track by getting my friends and other moms/women involved in  adventure races and Marathons. We have team TKD a group of women that do a fitness event each month together and are able to have girl time away while still staying in shape and being a positive role models for our kids. Through this we are able to give back to great charities and meet wonderful people along the way. We have been blessed with sponsors to help make this easier to do.

Traci Davis

Traci Davis

Experienced in showing horses and cattle in 4-H, public speaking, Future Farmers of America (FFA), and other local circuit events. I received FFA’s highest honor, the American Farmer Award in 1991, and in 1988 was crowned Queen of the Othello Rodeo in Othello, Washington.

In addition to my role as a mom and business owner, I am a certified first responder and a licensed equine massage therapist. I have serve on the board for Mills County Chamber of Commerce. As well as co-owner of “Cameo Cowgirl” western marketing.

My husband Tom and I enjoy the farming and ranching life in Texas with our two beautiful daughters, Laurel and Taylor. Tom and I operate TnT Ranch and Tom Davis Horsemanship. Where Tom is a full time trainer and also gives riding lessons and horsemanship clinics. Soon we will be offering free video’s to horse owners to have gain skills in basic horsemanship and beyond.  We also sell great horses for all types of riders. Also at TnT Ranch you can come and spend some time with our Longhorn Steers that ride. Bingo and Tater Tot love to have their pictures taken, it is a fun and unique opp for the whole family.

My other publications include: “A cleaning business ‘Maid’ Simple!” and other small guides as well. I am also working on a new book called The Momma Secrets with my friend Suzy Stauffer. Currently completing “A Fast, Cheap and Easy Life” a book that will help all women live a happier, healthier stress free life. I am being featured in a great book called “Lost Life Lessons from the Farm” due to release Jan 2011. Also I was featured in BEST OF LIFE Christian E-Magazine, June 2010 addition. Various newspapers, radio and TV news interviews and guest host.  When you purchase any of my books a portion of the sales goes back to the Joseph Thomas Foundation, an organization that helps support families with medically fragile children.

I love inspiring women and moms! I think they need as many pats on the back that they can get! My life is such a blessing.

Moms help the world go around and we help them keep it spinning!


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