Check out this new site!!   0 Comments

We came across a brand new site today! Wow you are going to LOVE it!!  Best of all it is FREE, the website offers the world a platform to share and search their favorites. This site was not created to compete with sites such as, Facebook or Myspace but to offer what they lack. A place not to connect with friends, family, co-workers and clients, but to share their favorites. From coffee preferences to favorite food/drink, vacations, sports and much more. The ways we can make others smile, is truly limitless.

Not sure what to get the new girlfriend for Valentines day? Go to FAVsmile and search her favorites. Want to give a hint to your parents about the new shoes you want? Well FAVsmile again is the place to go!! Keep adding and changing your likes, the site will have more useful features launched within weeks.  So set up your profile now and keep coming back to for more and more!

Are you planning a wedding or party? FAVsmile is the best and only site on the web to inform you exactly what your guests like. It is simple, whoever you invite to your event, invite them to join FAVsmile. Everyone at your event can have their coffee just the way they like it, play everyone’s favorite music, know what to stock the bar with…the benefits are limitless. Join today and start your event planning. Very soon we will launch a new feature to maximize your event planning; User created groups containing private polling, user search, updates and much more. This will be great for weddings, parties, families, friends, etc.

Founder Christopher Georgopoulos Started FAVsmile in the summer of 2010 on the beach of Singer Island, Florida. The idea was born from the desire to know how people liked their coffee. However, quickly the idea evolved from just coffee to food, drinks, gifts etc.

FAVsmile is a great new free site that is dedicated to sharing and searching the world’s favorites. From coffee preferences to favorite food/drinks, sports, hobbies, current events and much more. The benefits of this site for everyone are truly limitless. Go try it out!!

By Traci Davis ~ The Go To Momma

my favorite things

my favorite things



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