Have several foals for sale by this stud! NOW Standing at Stud for the 2013 Breeding season in Ranger, TX Stud fee is $600 plus mare care. Book now by calling John at (254) 979-1724 calls only (no text) on this number please if no answer call or text 254-433-0806 “Pepto Madera”( aka “Boon”) is an […]
Archive for the ‘boon’ Tag
Reference Sire “Pepto Madera” 0 Comments
Posted October 4, 2011 by Traci Davis in Horse Training, Horses For Sale
Tagged with bay roan, blue roan, bookclub, boon, boon ranch, bred, breed to, breeding, buckskin, cash, clinics, country, cutter, cutting, dallas, dash, easy, facebook, for sale, fort worth, go to momma, horse, horses, jet, longhorns, mare, momma, parents, pepto madera, ranger, red roan, roan, safe, secrets, sire, sorrel, stallion, stallion staion, stallion. pepto, standing at stud, stud, stud service, texas, tnt ranch, Tom Davis, traci davis, wahm, washington, working from home, www.cowboy4sale.com