Call Andrew Kromm — over 10 years horse shoeing experience — quality work and lots of references. Call 208-940-1630 serving Parker county — (and beyond for barns.) Shoeing and trimming!
Archive for the ‘shoeing’ Tag
Horse Shoeing by Andrew Kromm 0 Comments
Posted October 20, 2011 by Traci Davis in Horse Training, Horses For Sale
Tagged with advanced, andrew, barefoot, bay roan, beginner, blue roan, bosal, bred, breeding, Bridle, buckaroo, buckskin, calf, cash, chaps, chinks, country, cowboy, cowgirl, custom andy kromm, cutting, dash, easy, for sale, freckles, gear, headstall, hobbles, holves, hoof, horse, horses, idaho, jet, kids, leather, longhorns, mare, natural balance, peppy, pepto, playboy, pleasure, prca, rawhide, red roan, riding, rope tie down, saddle, saddle bags, safe, shaps, shoe, shoeing, shop, show, sorrel, stud, stud Armitas, tack, texas, trail, trim, trimming, trims, Vaquero, washington