Archive for the ‘womens’ Tag

Team Quest Race with Team TKD   0 Comments

We helped fight cancer Wow we have a great sponsor with New Lifestyle Diets. We love the support that NLSD gives Team TKD to do these great races, runs and events. Like the Team Quest – Urban dare we did this past weekend Sept 22, 2012. Which was to raise awareness for cancer. The Urban […]


Sometimes you need to hear a crunch   0 Comments

No diet should be boring If you are on a diet or looking to start one, you need to make lifestyle changes rather then a temporary fix. That is why you need to learn how to make the right choices and do things the correct way. No matter what you do not want your new […]


Diets on Vacation   0 Comments

Do they mix? Well we have all tried to stay on a diet while away on vacation. It is hard of course, but you can do it if you stay smart about it. I love the convenience of New Lifestyle Diet, we were gone all weekend and eating is something you do at home at work on […]


It is a peach of a diet!   0 Comments

Well I live in Peach country So what a better diet then one that has Peach ready to drink shakes. Wow I love these. Even better so did the kids. I love the smooth taste of the peach drinks and wow it is so easy  open the lid and add cold water shake and drink. […]


Taking breaks from Diets – is it worth it?   0 Comments

Should you ever take a break from your diet? While I was pregnant I continues to workout until the last 2 months and my hip went out, so I was laid up not doing much activity as it was hard just to walk to the bathroom without pain. Well not doing the activity I was […]


Why do you give up?   0 Comments

How many diets have you tried? How many diets fro you really tried? Or did you just start them and never follow through? Does a diet work if you only do it a week? No it really doesn’t. One good meal will not make you thin no more then one bad meal can make you […]


Do diets work?   0 Comments

Well yes they do. Most people at some point in their life has been on a diet. Most to lose weight some to improve health, wellness or some even to gain weight. Well any of them are hard to do because as Americans we all become accustom to what it easy and we stay there. Going to McDonalds on […]


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